Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Academic Writing 310: Reading Reaction #2

Crafting Electronic Messages Chapter 7:
Our world is becoming more and more digital everyday.  With new advance we are so used to having things and receiving things instantly. Businesses are being to more frequently use instant messaging in a formal setting. I think that this is a more effective way to get a quick response back in our fast pace world. I found this article to be very helpful and informing on social media sense it can at times be very overwhelming.

Writing Routine and Positive Messages Chapter 8:
With any product there is going to be different levels of knowledge that comes with it. I have personally found that the FAQ section on websites –that I purchase items from—is generally very helpful. Being able to get feedback from the company that you’re investing your time and money into is the key to receiving customer loyalty and it ensures they will most likely buy from your company again.
Communication between the company and consumers is so vital for the company growth and for a company to get great reviews and positive feedback. I found it interesting how companies and utilize feedback to help make their product even better and correct any flaws. I found it interesting how companies spend so much time making sure there are no errors in their messages. I have been in situations where I rush and make mistakes and my message comes out seeming unprofessional. This was a great reminder to make sure I take the time to make my messages more professional

Understanding Rhetoric:

I’m always a fan of the Rhetoric comic so I was excited when I saw that in our readings list again. Rhetorical statements are everywhere and they work as identities, weather it’s a business suit or a comic t-shirt, it can all make a statement about the person who is wearing them. We can tell what different social role someone plays based on what the chose to wear.

1 comment:

  1. For Chapter 7, I could not agree more! I think that our digital age is more present than it ever was before. It is very important to stay engaged and on top of media outlets to learn more about them!
    In Chapter 8, I thought that your point about the communication between the company and consumers is so vitally important and just how important feedback is for those companies.
    Rhetoric is so important in our writing and it's interesting to realize that we are sending messages everyday without even really realizing it
