Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Personal Journal: Project Proposal

My Journal is kind of all over the place (much like my life) so it was kind of tricky brainstorming ideas to go along with a constant theme.

The first Idea
Draw My Journal Entries?

I used to love watching "Draw My Life" youtube videos because I'm a very visual person. Seeing someones life drawn out seems pretty cool too. So I was thinking of doing a "Draw My Life" video but instead of a timeline of my whole life I would just start from my first journal entry to my latest and use my journal entries to narrate the film. I wasn't sure if this was going to be very practical sense I don't have experince making videos but I found a site that helps you put together "Draw My Life" videos so it's totally a doable option.

Here are some examples:

The Second Idea

Most of my journal entries describe the place where I am and what it looks like and what happened there during that day. I was thinking I could make kind of like a map of Santa Barbara and add in journal entries and pictures for different locations throughout SB.

The Third Idea
Photo Story 

For my third idea I was thinking of something more simplistic like a photo collage or a story book. 


  1. My vote goes for the journal MAP! This is such a creative idea, and what will be fun for you is bringing yourself back to those places - remembering what happened - the smells, sounds, characteristics of that particular place. Later on down the line, you can reflect back and go to these exact same spots and remember when you were in this class, and even use these places/thoughts as a jumping off point for future journals!

  2. The photo story could go pretty far and yield something you may appreciate more than you think. That being said they are all great ideas. The you YOUTUBE links don't work though. I am also a very visual person so your ideas are solid in my book. Can't wait to see what you chose.

  3. The map idea is really cool! It would really tell a lot about you even just by the places you go to in town. Adding the journal entries or even just one line from each spot sounds like a good idea. The drawings would be pretty cool too, but I REALLY think the map tells a lot more. :)

  4. I'm also a super visual person so any of these ideas would work as long as you're dedicated. Just choose the one that speaks to you the most and stick to it. They're all great! <3

  5. I love the draw your entries idea, and the map is really good too. I just think the draw your entries is so unique and could later be something that is so awesome for you to have. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  6. I love all your ideas. That said, it seems like idea 2 and 3 could be combined to great effect. Perhaps a mini-collage that folds out at certain points of the map? Either way, I think you got a great start!

  7. Your idea of drawing your entries is awesome and at the same time challenging. The examples you gave are really well done and similar to a storyboard. A suggestion would be combining all 3 proposals. Return to the different spots of SB that you observed. Take photos and create collages for the different spots and then drawing the entries for those places would be impactful and intriguing.

  8. yes, i think i want to do a photo collage as well! these a great ideas i think your journal project is gonna be great! and i agree with arthur, combining 2 and 3 sounds like a good idea!

  9. All three ideas are really cool and super interesting! Picking just one sounds like quite the difficult choice!!! I love the map idea the best but the other two are just as awesome! I cant wait to see what you choose!!!

  10. Nikki-the-Resourceful,

    Hat’s off to you for looking up “How To” videos. Way to be proactive. ☺

    Re: the map idea (I wrote this to someone else fyi), mapping out learning experiences and metaphoric landscapes—I like it a LOT. I’m such a digitoid (new word?), but I bet there are some badass programs/websites out there that lay a decent amount of the artistic groundwork for you. One benefit to a digitized version of your map could also be the likelihood of preserving it for, probably, a much longer period of time. You’d also likely be able to share it easier with others if you wanted to do so.

    With respect to the photos, here’s another suggestion I offered someone: supplementing the piece with a write-up/reflection that explained the metaphors. That could bring some badass context to the piece and help us better understand why you did what you did and the overall significance.

    Cool proposals here, Nikki.


  11. Hey Nikki,\
    I thought all of your ideas were pretty badass. The 'drawing your life' ties in well with lessons from our class because you are combining art or visuals with writing. One of my favorite classes was when we analyzed art pieces because there were big messages within the pieces.

    I could suggest possibly making one big picture that correlate with the theme of your journal entries, but I also like your idea with each entry having a separate illustration.

    Also, I REALLY like the map idea. I think that is super original, and may be interesting even for yourself to reflect back on all the places you have been when getting down and dirty in your journal.


  12. Nikki I love all of your ideas, very resourceful and creative! I watched the video on "draw my life", I think that is such a creative way to compose a piece sentimental piece for yourself as well as a fun way to engage your audience. The other two ideas were also fun but my vote goes towards making a video (only if you have time of course). I think you will have a lot of fun with this assignment. You inspired me :)
